We want to thank you for joining/renewing your Professional Women’s Roundtable (“PWR”) membership. Over the last nine years, we have grown as an organization not only in numbers, but also in strength and focus. As always, our mission is to provide networking, leadership, education and personal growth opportunities for a diverse group of emerging women business leaders in the greater Philadelphia region. Over the years, we have facilitated panel discussions and events on topics such as self-promotion, non-traditional career paths, advancement in the work place, mentoring, women in politics and work/family life balance. We already have an exciting line-up of tentative events, venues and speakers for 2012.
One of our most successful new ventures in 2010 has been the establishment of our Ambassador program, through which we ensure that all event attendees are welcomed, introduced to our board, and provided maximum networking opportunities. In 2011 we have added our Core Discussions: facilitated forums to help support our member’s business growth goals and family matters. Offered monthly, member-only roundtable discussions will focus on what matters for success. New in 2012, we are planning PoWeR Connections: an opportunity to connect members with our Advisory Council, to share ideas and leverage the power of PWR’s women of influence- more to come on that…
We have a diverse membership with representation from law, business, finance, entrepreneurs, academia, non-profit, science, engineering, medicine... We are proud to have some of the finest female leaders in the city on our Advisory Council.
Beginning in March 2012, all memberships will be renewable on March 15 of each calendar year. To transition current membership renewals to the new schedule, our 2012-2013 base membership and dues will be structured as follows:
Dues for a non-prepaid membership after March 15 are the lesser of $120 or $10 per month for each calendar month from the state of membership through the following March 15, plus event fees. Regular event fees are $20. Special events are priced per event.
A prepaid membership, including regular events, can be purchased for the lesser of $240 or $24 per month for each calendar month from the date of membership through March 15. Discount rates for special events are provided to prepaid members.
If you have any questions about new or renewing membership prices, please contact Leigh Ann Campbell at
[email protected] at 267-287-8497
Benefits for the coming year:
• CORE Discussions - “Members-only” networking opportunities
• “Free Guest” invitations and other member promotions
• Monthly President’s Address with PWR news updates
• Connect with members via PWR’s LinkedIn Group
• Access to members-only website
• Opportunity to join a PWR committee: Membership, Events, Sponsorship, Board Development, PR/Communications, Ambassador, Core Discussion Leaders
PWR Administrative Office
P.O. Box 1155, Havertown, PA 19083
PWR’s Association Manager – Leigh Ann Campbell
[email protected]